Thursday, March 21, 2013

Year 29 Day Three

Tomorrow I am having a blood analysis examine to see how healthy / unhealthy I am. Since I ate nachos, drank margaritas, and then finished my evening off with ice cream & a Cookie Tree cookie last night, I realized that today would be an "undo" day.

Let's see how successful I was...

6:30am Green Smoothie (red kale, carrots, celery, apple, orange, and ginger juiced. Blended together with frozen strawberries, blueberries, peaches, and melon.)
7:30am Bowl of Kashi cereal with a banana & almond milk and two cups of coffee
11:25am Hummus, carrots, red & green bell pepper, sugar snap peas, and five multigrain crackers (ok, perhaps I also may have bought a bag of M&M's from a high school senior selling them as a fundraiser. Does it help that I only ate half if the bag?)
3:30 apple, (cookie), and a handful if almonds **After-school is my most difficult time. I am normally starving and want to eat everything and anything. I am also suffering from "I-just-want-to-snack".
5:45 Kale, polenta, and sun-dried tomatoes.

**begin the 12 hour fast**

If I were to grade myself today, I would give myself a B-. I must remember, it is progress, not perfection.

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