Monday, March 25, 2013

Year 29 Day Seven

Today was the first day of my long term sub job. This job is going to go until the end of the school year. I walked in this morning not really knowing what to expect. I wasn't sure if there were going to be lesson plans, I didn't know my student lists, etc.

All in all it turned out to be a pretty good day all things considered. In this job I am teaching special education life science (2 periods), physical science (1 period), and keyboarding (2 periods). I have two para educators who are both really great! One para is there during periods 1 through 3 and the other para comes during periods 4 through 6. There was a third para in my classroom 1 through 3, but fortunately I was notified that she was moved to a different assignment. There was a lot of tension, etc. in the classroom due to her presence.

During our fourth period prep time today, my second para and I spent the time rearranging the classroom. It now looks awesome! Many of the students had mixed reactions, but all in all I think it is going to be a good change.

I am looking forward to finishing the year out in this new classroom of mine. If I can impact at least one student, then my placement there was all worth it!

One of the "toughest" students made this welcome sign for me.  It's okay that he can't spell "Lindhurst", it's the thought that counts. (Perhaps spelling is something we can work on.)

The classroom view #1.

The classroom view #2.

This Elmo / projector was sitting unused.  I said, "Why?!" and set it up!

Teacher's Desk

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